Location: Anne Arundel County, Maryland
Scope: IDIQ contract to provide monitoring and other programmatic support services to Anne Arundel County Department of Public Works in support of meeting their National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) Municipal Separate Storm Sewer System (MS4) discharge permit requirements.
Project Details
Since 2012, Versar has supported Anne Arundel County, Maryland in complying with its NPDES MS4 Stormwater Permit. Versar provides a variety of NPDES services including watershed monitoring and assessment, illicit discharge detection and elimination (IDDE), and annual report preparation. Tasks support the County in meeting its current MS4 permit requirements and Chesapeake Bay Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) implementation.
Versar conducts monitoring to evaluate the effectiveness of stormwater controls in Church Creek watershed, particularly associated with redevelopment of the Annapolis Towne Centre site, and in Picture Spring Branch watershed, which includes various recent and ongoing development projects. Versar conducts biological and physical habitat monitoring in Church Creek and Picture Spring Branch, as well as detailed geomorphic surveys at monumented cross-sections and longitudinal profiles. Monitoring in Church Creek watershed also includes storm event and baseflow monitoring of water chemistry at instream and outfall locations. Versar prepares annual watershed monitoring reports for the two study watersheds.
Versar conducts IDDE screening at 150 sites per year and conducts surveys for upland pollutant sources in priority areas. Field screening includes documentation of dry weather flows and testing for key parameters indicative of pollutant sources. Versar's detection and prompt reporting of problems has enabled County inspectors to work with property owners to address and resolve issues (e.g., sewer cross-connection to the MS4).
Versar also coordinates with County staff to prepare the MS4 Annual Report to Maryland Department of Environment (MDE), including geodatabase submittals.