Location: Sanford, FL
Scope: Sanford Dry Cleaners, Remedial Investigation/Feasibility Study, Remedial Design, and Remediation Action Construction Oversight
Project Details
Versar provided environmental services for remediation of contaminated soil, GW, and indoor air on two contiguous parcels located in the historic section of downtown Sanford. The project objective was to complete a RI/FS, RD, and RA at this site contaminated with PCE/TCE. All work performed was under the regulatory authority of EPA and the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP). Versar implemented a dynamic, optimized field investigation using the Triad approach to complete a cost-effective site characterization. Several high-resolution site characterization (HRSC) strategies and technologies were used, including MIP, CPT, DPT GW profiling, onsite laboratory analyses, DPT hydraulic conductivity profiling, and multi-level MWs, to develop a detailed 3D characterization of site contamination and hydrogeology. 3D modeling of analytical data was used to dynamically update the CSM and optimize the selection of additional sampling locations.
The phased field investigation included characterization of the nature and extent of soil, GW, pore water, surface water, soil gas, and indoor air contamination, as well as evaluation of VI. Versar synthesized all of the information collected during the field investigation into a comprehensive RI Report. The HHRA identified unacceptable risks from soil, GW, and indoor air contamination. Versar completed an FS to develop a range of cleanup alternatives including soil excavation, SVE, in situ bioremediation, in-situ thermal treatment, and pump-and-treat. The selected remedy included soil excavation with offsite disposal, SVE, and in situ bioremediation. We assisted EPA with preparation of the PP and ROD. Versar conducted bench-scale and pilot-scale treatability studies to support design of the selected remedy. Bench-scale testing was performed to select effective in-situ bioremediation amendments to treat contaminated GW. In-situ bioremediation and SVE pilot tests were performed to evaluate site-specific technology effectiveness and design parameters.