Location: Kuwait Naval Base, Kuwait
Scope: USACE-TAM CPSS project Task Order 28 scope included construction phase support services including demolishing, renovating, and re-constructing the pier, breakwater, control tower, and harbor and, management support for the US and Kuwait Navies.
Project Details
Versar partnered with Parsons to be the Prime Contractor JV for the pier and breakwater renovations support services for USACE-TAM CPSS at the Kuwait Naval Base, Kuwait. USACE heavily relied on the JV team's specialized services, particularly with the team's thorough knowledge base of marine engineering. The team's Project Engineer. a Civil/Marine Engineer was the only USACE representative onsite with a marine engineering background to review the technical details of the contract including design submittals. When faced with difficult onsite challenges such as degraded foundation blocks, the JV's Project Engineer was an active participant in developing sound solutions.
Working on Marine Engineering projects is very dynamic, due to the changing topography, weather, and seabed. At the Kuwait Naval Base, many issues were not addressed in the initial design, such as the condition of foundation blocks above and below the sea level and how to sequence the breakwater sea wall so winter waves would not crash over during construction. The JV's Project Engineer provided USACE the technical expertise to address concerns posed by the construction contractor through the formal RFI process. He and the USACE COR drafted responses and provided answers to the contractor. And, with such a heavy reliance on reinforced concrete in a harsh, marine environment, the JV's QA and PE witnessed field testing, concrete placements, and field sampling. The JV's Project Engineer also analyzed VECP's submitted by the construction contractor to ensure final design standards and expectations were met while delivering the new solutions faster and cheaper.
Always keeping efficiency top of mind, when the JV team noticed progress slipping, they arranged meetings through the USACE COR with the contractor to discuss ways to increase productivity. The JV's staff worked closely with USACE and the construction contractor to align work schedules, including working night shifts to ensure there was adequate CPSS oversight while major activities were occurring.
A key part of the Task Order 28 was providing onsite Quality Assurance Services by its QAR and Project Engineer. The team covered day and night shifts with a heavy focus on interacting with the Quality Control and Safety Teams to ensure requirements were met the safest way possible. The JV's management team established a reach back PMO in the USA to monitor and control CPSS activities. The PMO conducted daily review of the onsite staff's work products then held weekly coordination events through conference calls or emails to ensure the JV was meeting all aspects of the task order SOW and were meeting expectations of USACE personnel in Kuwait.